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Capital Market Outlook

September 14, 2020


  • Macro Strategy U.S. Economy Continues To Prove More Resilient Than Expected  Continued unprecedented string of positive economic surprises and large upward revisions to the outlook for third-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) and profits are helping to drive a rotation into more cyclical stocks that would benefit from stronger growth ahead.
  • Global Market View — Are the Markets Too Complacent About Mounting Geopolitical Risks?  It's worth being mindful of geopolitical tension points since that bolts from the blue could emanate from nearly any place in the world and at any time.
  • Thought of the Week — Mind the Gaps in U.S. (Digital) Infrastructure We believe the next generation of U.S. infrastructure build-out will extend beyond roads and bridges and focus on the development of important information communications technology investments and related applications.

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