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Good Tech, Bad Tech

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November 16, 2018

In “Good Tech, Bad Tech,” our hosts look at some of the tradeoffs we’re making as we integrate more and more technology into our everyday lives and the way we do business. They also point to ways you as an investor might benefit from these trends.


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On this episode of The Perspectives Podcast, our hosts, Candace Browning, Michael Hartnett and Chris Hyzy, explore the many ways that technology is transforming the economy and our lives—often for the good, sometimes for the bad.

They debate the benefits and costs of greater convenience and more efficiency and consider how society and government might respond as the spread of automation, robotics and other so-called disruptive technologies become more ubiquitous. They conclude by pointing to some interesting opportunities investors might consider as they look toward the world of the future.


Candace Browning

Headshot of Candace Browning

Head of BofA
Global Research 




Michael Hartnett

Headshot of Michael Hartnett

Chief Investment Strategist
BofA Global Research 


Christopher M. Hyzy

Headshot of Christopher M. Hyzy

Chief Investment Officer
Merrill and Bank of America
Private Bank


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