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Impact Investing

People, The Planet and Profit

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As Impact Investing Comes Of Age, Investors Can Finally Seek a Better World And Return on Investment 

With its suite of socially innovative investment strategies, Bank of America Private Bank has long been at the forefront of impact investing. It deepened that commitment recently by introducing Impactonomics®, a lens to examine the relationship between economic growth, investing for impact and profit, and the measurable social and environmental change it can bring.

Chris Hyzy Chief Investment Officer, Bank of America Private Bank

Impact investing is a way to invest for positive social and environmental change and for profit – in short, "doing good and doing well." The strategy has not always been associated with profit. Quite the opposite. In its early days, concerned investors could do little more than screen out companies manufacturing products they found objectionable such as alcohol, tobacco or firearms – and so-called negative screening often meant avoiding potentially profitable companies or industries.

But in the past few decades, impact investing has undergone an evolution. Today, the strategy is focused on change and competitive returns. And there are many more ways to invest, including impact-focused equities, bonds and exchange-traded funds.

Companies are likewise adapting their businesses in impact-related ways that are measurable and may be profitable. Improving workplace conditions, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and creating a more gender-balanced workforce are some of the factors that may be associated with consumer approval and success in the marketplace.

You can find more about impact investing, and Bank of America Private Bank's approach to the strategy, on this website. For more information, contact your advisor.

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